Our ruling bishop is:

His Beatitude, Metropolitan Herman
of the Orthodox Church in America (O.C.A.)
Our diocesan bishop is:

His Eminence, Archbishop Nathaniel
of the Romanian Episcopate (O.C.A.)
and his assistant:

His Grace, Bishop Irineu
of the Romanian Episcopate (O.C.A.)

a general view of our church

icon of the parish feast (Descent of the Holy Spirit)
located in the Ikonostas, on the right side
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A short history of this parihs is taken from "Heritage 85 - Town of Assiniboia"
On February 25, 1957, a meeting was held in Radu Motors office to decided on building a church in Assiniboia. [Mr.] John J. Radu was [the] President and [Mr.] Sam Cristo [the] Secretary. Attending the meeting were: [Mr.] John J. Radu, [Mr.] Sam Cristo, [Mr.] John Radu Sr., [Mr.] Paul Calimente, [Mr.] George Tarita, [Mr.] George Nicholson, [Mr.] Don Ciocia, [Mr.] Chris Jonescu, [Mr.] Bill Hysuick, [Mr.] John Bachiu, [Mr.] Simeon Strugar, [Mr.] Ted Oancia, [Mr.] John Costi, [Mr.] Ted Hysuick, and [Mr.] Bill Watamanuk.
It was decided by those present to start plans for a new church, which was to be affiliated with the Saints Peter and Paul Church at Flintoft.
The Committees of the Saints Peter and Paul, and [the] Descent of the Holy Ghost, held a meeting in the home of [Mr.] John J. Radu, to decide on a date for a general meeting of all members, to decide on building the new church in Assiniboia. It was decided to hold a general meeting on April 7 in the church hall at Flintoft.
At that meeting, [Mr.] Ted Oancia was [a] Chairman, and [Mr.] Bill Deminchuk [a] Secretary.
The church name was registered in Regina. Now, work could commence. A committee of seven people were elected to canvass for pledges. They were: [Mr.] Ted Oancia, [Mr.] John J. Radu, [Mr.] Nick Lucon, [Mr.] Sam Cristo, [Mr.] Radu Ciocia, [Mr.] Cris Tonita, and [Mr.] James Moldovan. It was decided to tender for bids in the Assiniboia Times, and the Moose Jaw paper.
At a general meting, held July 28, 1957, it was decided to build the church by volunteer help with [Mr.] Peter Thompson and [Mr.] Bob Breulich supervising and working along with the volunteer help. It was decided to begin hauling gravel and digging the basement starting August 1st.
The construction committee elected were: [Mr.] John Radu Sr., [Mr.] George Tarita, [Mr.] Paul Calimente, [Mr.] Chris Jonescu, [Mr.] John Nicholson, [Mr.] John Bachiu, [Mr.] Ted Oancis, [Mr.] Sam Cristo, [Mr.] Cosma Kiriak, and [Mr.] Steve Toma. The committee was empowered to pay bills and control spending.
The firrst annual meeting of the Descent of the Holy Ghost [Romanian Orthodox] Church was held January 23, 1958. In the same year, the church manse was moved-in from Flintoft.
Priest serving the parish were: the Reverend John Dinu, the Reverend V. Parvanescue, the Reverend J. Shunda, the Very Reverend Daniel Nenson (Dean of the Canadian Deanery of the Romanian Episcopate, O.C.A.), the Reverend Brendon O'Keefe, and the Reverend Gratian Radu.
The church has not had a resident priest for quite a few years now. The church is served two Sundays a month from the center of Regina. Some of the preists serving twice a month [were]: the Very Reverend Archimandrite Martinian (Ivanovici), the Very Reverend Daniel Nenson, andn the Reverend George Tuff.
Some of the other priests who served on a part-time basis were: the Reverend Peter Avram, the Reverend (?) Postelnic, the Reverend (?) Tofron, the Reverend Daniel Maxim, the Reverend John Toconita, and the Reverend Richard Grabowski.